6:00 pm - 8:30 pm
45+ Singles Shabbat Dinner
Connect, dine & network with other local singles ages 45+
Join Chabad Intown’s for our exclusive 45+ Shabbat Dinners for singles. Enjoy an elegant Shabbat dinner with an open bar and plenty of room to mix and mingle! Connect, dine and network with other local singles, ages 45 and up. This Friday night Shabbat dinner will include an open bar, upscale cuisine, spirited vibe and dessert buffet. Space is limited. Reserve your seat early. Walk-ins will not be seated.

45+ Singles Shabbat Dinner Reservation Form



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Billing Address

Location: Chabad Intown
730 Ponce de Leon Place NE
Atlanta GA 30306

5:39 Candle lighting
6:00 Spirited Shabbat Services
6:30 Cocktails
7:30 Elegant Shabbat Dinner