10:00 am - 11:30 am
High Holiday Learners’ Service
Interactive Learner’s Service with Mrs. Shimona Tzukernik
Yom Kippur Scholar In Residence: Shimona Tzukernik

Pre-Yom Kippur Dinner
Tuesday, October 4, 2022
5:30 PM Stories to Stir your Soul
Eating on the eve of Yom Kippur is like fasting on the day itself. As we partake of this potent meal, let's align our souls with stories that will set us on course for the 26 hour journey we are to embark on. One of a tailor, an officer and a fish to inspire and guide us. Another about a butcher who teaches us when - and when not - to ask for forgiveness.

Wednesday, October 5, 2022
Learners Services:
10:00 - 11:00 AM - Meditation
Ideas are not thoughts. And thoughts are not consciousness. During this hour, we will attempt to move beyond ideas to access a deeper aspect of who we are.
Briefly explore what might be blocking you. Then take a meditative journey to inquire of your higher self what you truly want and how to get there. Close with a profound meditation - The Divine Breath - to put you in touch with your core self.

11:00 AM - 12:00 PM - Alternative Prayer Service
The Landscape of My Soul
Prayers, poems in a sense, from the Yom kippur liturgy serve as a metaphor for our inner world. They describe both our mission for the Day and for Life.
In this session, we will talk about what prayer really is. We will then explore select poems from the liturgy and attempt to experience their relevance to our daily lives. We will also briefly practice some Kabbalistic chanting as elucidated in The Book of Creation and then close with meditating upon and praying the holy Shema.

Yom Kippur afternoon featured talk and discussion:
4:45 PM- You Raise Me Up
Just as no angel was permitted to be in the Holy of Holies when the High Priest went in to serve on Yom Kippur, so too even angels do not join in our communion with G-d at this hour.
Just what is the call of the hour? Let's set intention, move inwards, and rise up as we explore the five levels of Repentance, the power of Neilah - and what tomorrow holds.

High Holiday Reservations 5783

Please select all the services you would like to attend.


Chabad Intown offers High Holiday services at no charge to the community. Your support allows us to continue to offer these and other opportunities for Jewish education and experience throughout the year. Please consider the suggested donation of $100 per adult and $50 per child and young adult or consider being a High Holiday superstar with a High Holiday sponsorship.

High Holiday Sponsorships

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Location: Chabad Intown
730 Ponce de Leon Place NE
Atlanta GA 30306