
Altruistic Advice


Rabbi Schusterman


April 21, 2021


Challenges, Faith, Inspiration, Lifestyle, Loving-Kindness, Relationships

“In front of the blind one should not put a stumblingĀ block” Leviticus 19:14.

While to do so would be cruel, the commentators tell us that this refers to any advice given with intention to hurt another.

Rashi, quoting from the Midrash, gives an example of giving advice to someone to sell their field in order to purchaseĀ a donkey, when in truth the advisor wants to buy the field for himself.

There are other examples in the Midrash but Rashi chooses this one to teach us a powerful lesson of altruism.Ā 

Even when the one lookingĀ for advice may truly need the donkey instead of the field, the advice needs to be clean of any ulteriorĀ motive.Ā Ā 

This carries a proudĀ message for us; the level of care and concern we have for another needs to rise above any personal interest.Ā  While this is an extremely difficult endeavor, we are empowered by G-d Himself to accomplish this.

This Mitzvah is listed in the Torah portion Kedoshim. The portion begins with the verse, Be holy because I am Holy.Ā  Hashem is saying that His holiness is implanted in us.

Through our connection with Hashem we are able to rise above ourselvesĀ and be fully present for others.
We connect with Hashem throughĀ Mitzvos, Prayer and Torah study.

Have a connected Shabbos!

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