
A New Paradigm – Yom Kippur 2020


Rabbi Schusterman


September 23, 2020


Change, Holidays, New Year, Prayer

I stood on the eve of Yom Kippur in 2019 with hearts filled with prayers and hopes for 5780.  Just one year ago.  How much has changed?!

And how little has really changed?!

This year I learned that I’m not in control.This year I learned that I was never in control.

This year I learned that family, health, relationships, purpose, meaning, acts of kindness are why I’m here in the first place.This year I learned that family, health, relationships, purpose, meaning, acts of kindness have always been primary and why I was put on this earth in the first place.

This year, I learned that inside of me are parts that need healing and fixing.This year, I learned that those parts were always inside of me.

In reality, the more I dig, the more I realize that while everything has changed nothing has changed.  All that has changed is the realization, that behind the masks that I’ve always worn is a life that Hashem has chosen for a unique purpose on this earth and that everything this life needs to accomplish that was delivered with the original package.

I’ve also learned that Hashem is right there with me and has always been there with me every step of the way.

I think about sitting with my grandson and future grandchildren and if Hashem wills it, great grandchildren and I’ll share with them the events of 2020/5780.  I’ll tell them about what happened in the world, how all of Humanity was caught up in the impact of Covid, the sheltering at home and quarantine, the zoom school, the shortages of toilet paper and paper towels.

Then my grandson will ask, “and how did you change because of this? How did you change the world on account of this?” 

Will I be able to answer that there was sustainable change? 

These are my Yom Kippur 5781/2020 thoughts.  I pray I can answer. Yes!

Gmar Chatima Tova!

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