
A Hard Torah Portion


Rabbi Schusterman


May 13, 2020


Challenges, Faith, Inspiration, Lifestyle

Are you bemoaning your circumstances?  Are you finding the good in it?
What are your discussions about these days?  Corona corona corona or are you finding other things to talk about?  And if you are talking about Corona are you finding the silver lining?

I feel fortunate and I believe my good fortune is a doing of Hashem that compels me to recognize Him first and then ask myself what am I to do with this good fortune.

I feel for those that are struggling and the following is not meant to be preachy but to empower you with another set of glasses to look at your circumstances.
This week we conclude the book of Vayikra.  This is the first time in modern history (and perhaps ever) that in most synagogues the entire book of Vayikra was not read from the Torah.  We went into quarantine as the book of Leviticus was beginning and this week we conclude the third book of the Torah!  That itself is worthy of reflection.

In the final Torah portion we read the Divine Rebuke, that which will befall us if we don’t follow Hashem’s instructions.  It is hard to read and even harder to swallow.

Our Sages say “no bad comes from Above”.  What we experience that seems to be harsh is our inability to see the real good that is in it.  Like a child who is rebuked or punished by a loving parent in order to put them on the straight and narrow.  Or a parent who takes a child who doesn’t yet understand, to the doctor for their vaccinations.

The child feels the pain and hurt but deep down feels that the parent is doing what is best and it is ultimately coming from a place of love.

I call it a Hard Torah Portion because it is truly difficult to find the good in our challenging circumstances.   If we lean into Hashem’s embrace we are more empowered to find the good in our circumstances.  And when we do we then know what we need to do to move forward.

Perhaps that is why this Parsha is read at the end of the Book and we proclaim Chazak Chazak Vinischazek – be strong, be strong and be strengthened!

Because, we need Hashem’s help to navigate the circumstances and to find the strength to make the most of it.

And so I say to you Chazak Chazak Vinischazek – be strong, be strong and be strengthened!

Good Shabbos!

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