
My world, your world.


Rabbi Schusterman


March 17, 2020


Challenges, Healing, Inspiration,

In essentially a moment in time, a matter of days perhaps hours, our world view shifted.  Our sense of security, of assuredness disappeared.

The lessons are many and will be learned and internalized across industries, governments, communities and families.

There will be time for that in good health, please G-d!

One of the most obvious lessons that remains relevant as each of us are holed up in our respective quarantines is the relationship we have to each other.  

No longer can someone think that what goes on in their life has no impact or relevance on not just their immediate surrounding but all of humanity.  

No longer can we think that we are not a contributor or a taker from the individual across the globe.  

No longer can we believe that our actions are not potentially a matter of life and death to someone who lives thousands of miles away.

No longer can we live in a bubble to think that humanity as a whole has an impact on us; that what happens in other parts of the world are irrelevant to us.

***This week we read (at least at home) two Torah Portions – Vayakhel and Pekudai. What’s interesting is that these two Torah portions have conflicting meanings.

Vayakhel means to gather.  Pekduai means to count.  Whereas gathering is bringing together the individuals, counting means to separate them out.
Indeed this carries the message of our times; we are a collective (gathered) humanity of individuals (counting).  Our individual actions impact the whole and the whole impacts the individual.

We as individuals have the ability to change the world for the good with a simple action.  One Mitzvah, one action, one gesture can be transformative.

And the well being of the world has an impact on us.  The going ons across the globe have a transformative effect on our little bubble.

***As we conclude week one of our quarantine let us pray together for healing for all those that need it, for safety and good health to all.  Let us think of small deeds we can do in the confines and security of our own homes to impact the world – literally!   

Good Shabbos!– 

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