
You’ve got the power!


Rabbi Schusterman


August 14, 2019


When we think about self sacrifice our thoughts naturally imagine people from past generations who died or were physically abused on account of their Jewish identity.  

We may think about people in our time who have terrible health issues, or financial losses.  

In truth however, when one is in middle of a challenge or a test, before their head comes above the water and they are able to recalibrate to a healthier perspective the fundamental properties of the test are similar to those of these larger magnitude.

(Iā€™m not equating the two, Iā€™m emphasizing how real the challenge is for the one experiencing it.)

You dear reader, may be in middle of a test or challenge right now that may seem unbearable.  I pray for your test to pass quickly.

It is on account of this real experience of tests and challenges that the Torah says ā€œfor the Lord your G-d tests you todayā€¦ā€ to see if we will find G-d in our struggle.

In this weeks Torah portion we are taught, ā€œand you should know today and place it to your heart today that Hashem is your G-d in the heavens above and the earth below there is none otherā€.

The Torah is empowering us to recognize and feel it in our heart that nothing that goes on in heaven or on earth is without G-d.  

This is experience at the level of knowledge ā€“ you should know today and on an emotional, feeling level ā€“ and place it to your heart.

As soon as we catch ourselves, recognize that we are in a rabbit hole, we can recalibrate and bring this verse to life in our lives.  As soon as we do this the test and challenge begin to dissipate.

May we all be blessed without challenges but when they do come, letā€™s get our heads and hearts focused and plugged back in.

Good Shabbos!

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