
Did we leave the Torah in the Desert?


Chabad Intown


June 5, 2019


Holidays, Moses

Do you feel like you are in the desert? Thirsty, tired, abandoned?


Usually the desert represents a wasteland, lack of life. However, in an interesting twist, our Torah portion, called “the Desert” and literally the translation of the word Bamidbar – the Hebrew name for the fourth book of the Torah, teaches a different and profound message.


The message is particularly poignant and timely as this portion, The Desert, is always read immediately prior to the festival of Shavous, in which we commemorate the events and revelation at Sinai.


So here it goes;
The desert is indeed a wasteland. However, it is also unclaimed. Yes, of course today throughout the world deserts are claimed. But by and large they are uninhabited as personal dwellings. You won’t hear someone say, “come visit me in my gorgeous summer home in the Sahara”.


The Torah was given in a desert, the Sinai Desert. This was very intentional to teach us that no one owns the Torah.




The world for many years has lost its direction or so it seemed. Revolutions, break down of old structures that led to chaos and confusion. Many of the old structures needed to be done away with but in their place a void was created that can leave some wondering whether we would have been better off with the evil we knew.


We live in a time where we are beginning to close the loop, to close the circle.


As time has evolved we are beginning to see new positive birth from the void. A much more beautiful world is emerging. Granted it is in its early stages but it is beginning to bud, we just need to open our eyes.




The Torah’s message is that no one owns the Torah just as no one owns the desert. As long as we remember that, we’ll remain thirsty to know it’s truth. As long as we remember that we’ll recognize that all structures are unstable, they serve a purpose but we must constantly strive to uncover the deeper truth.




This year as we approach the day in which we relive the revelation at Sinai, let’s go back to the desert, let’s relive the ownerlessness of the Torah and step forward to journey deeper into its mysteries and its practical guidance for life.


Join us Saturday night for Bais Midrash study, bring a friend or a few and use our user friendly social learning packets to guide some in depth and enjoyable debate.


Then join us with the entire family on Sunday as we read the Ten Commandments anew and join for a (traditional) dairy brunch.


Shabbat Shalom and Good Yom Tov!

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