
Tired? Dig a well.


Chabad Intown


November 15, 2017


leader, Lifestyle, Prayer, Rebuilding

Do you ever feel completely depleted? You know those days or weeks where it just doesn’t stop and then you pause at a given moment and realize that you’ve been running on fumes. You think to yourself, “I just can’t go on, I don’t know how I’m going to find another ounce of stamina to move forward”.


Sometimes, this happens physically and often it happens spiritually. The spiritual engine seems to have idled and it looks like there is no more gas. Funny sounds are coming from places where sounds shouldn’t be coming from.


When you encounter these moments there are two options. The first is to look for a source of inspiration, a kick in the pants or a jolt. Physical options include; coffee, power nap, good game of basketball, massage or the shvitz. On the spiritual side; going to a good Torah lecture, attending a prayer service, enjoying a Shabbat dinner with family or waiting for a serene Divine light to settle on you.


The second option is to unlock the infinite well of potential, stamina and power that is inside of you. On the physical, maybe yoga or meditation. On the spiritual side, yoga or meditation (just kidding on the yoga), prayer or studying Torah.


The difference is between the approach that Abraham took to life, and Isaac. Abraham went around spreading light, teaching the world about the greatness of the One G-d. Isaac, the Torah tells us dug wells.


How to dig a well; When you encounter rocks, dirt and obstructions on the surface, remove them. Keep on removing them until you hit a small trickle of water. Keep on digging, keep on removing until you hit the source – the well.


Both legitimate approaches, but one is easier to achieve and the other is sustainable.


Have a good Shabbos!

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