
You Can Help Our Country!


Chabad Intown


November 14, 2016


Challenges, Lifestyle, Rebuilding

It pains me to see the discord that has evolved in this country throughout the election process and in many ways more visceral this past week since the election.


Republicans blame the Democrats, the Democrats blame the Republicans and the bottom line is friendships are broken, vulgarity is spewed and society as a whole is breaking down. Everybody blames the other one for being immoral or not caring about the values and principles that this country was built on.


Why can’t we be more like Israel?! People argue passionately and vehemently about their politics and then they sit down to a shawarma and falafel together! But I digress.


In this weeks Torah portion Abraham stands up to G-d and demands justice for the evil people of Sodom and Gemorah. Will the Judge of all the earth not do Justice?


There is a lesson to be learned from this and profound guidance for our times.


1. Stand up for what you believe! Whatever side of the political spectrum, whatever your beliefs, stand up for it! Speak out, LOUDLY! After all Abraham stood up to G-d.


2. Do it civilly! Don’t assassinate the other person’s character because they don’t believe the way you do. Don’t make them treif because they have a different value system then you do. (This is besides the point that if you truly believe in what you believe, then influence will go much further than the pathologizing of the other person’s mentality and personality.)


Stay focused on the issues not on the person and hopefully we can restore good will and civil discourse and affect a better outcome.

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