
Groundhog Day


Chabad Intown


September 21, 2016


Holidays, New Year, Rebuilding

Imagine you woke up each morning and the world was brand new. No baggage. Everything was fresh. Imagine if each day was your wedding day. Imagine if each day was your first day at your new dream job.


(Ever notice how kids wake up in the morning? For them each day is exactly like that. They don’t carry yesterday’s burdens, it’s all new and fresh.)


We crave novelty and newness. What a gift that each year we are given the opportunity to renew ourselves as G-d renews the year.


In fact each day G-d renews the world and renews His relationship with us and His choosing of us. In this weeks Torah Portion it states “on this day you have become a nation to Hashem your G-d”. This day is today. This day is every day. Each and every day our relationship with G-d is born anew.


What a novel idea! Now its our turn to respond to that newness and choose G-d anew each day and each year.


Shana Tova and Good Shabbos!

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