
The Cloud


Chabad Intown


June 22, 2016



It’s been said “everybody backs up sooner or later”. And today the responsible thing to do is to back up to the Cloud.


Is all your stuff backed up to the Cloud? And is backing up to the Cloud really all that new?


Advantages of backing up to the Cloud:


  • You always have your files in case your computer’s hard drive or external hard drive crashes and burns
  • You can access the files from wherever you are
  • You don’t have to worry about saving your files in different versions because the Cloud holds them all for you
  • Protects your files from attacks
  • A sense of ongoing security


Back in the day (the wandering Jew in the dessert day that is) the Jews had a lack of stability. They never knew who might attack them. They never had a real sense of security because they were wandering and never knew when they would need to travel. Things were kind of shaky.


Had it not been for the Cloud, things may have been rough indeed. Fortunately, before the Cloud™ there was the other Cloud. It was known as the Cloud of Glory. G-d’s presence accompanied the Jews in the dessert wherever they went.


The Cloud was always there. There was a sense of security that whatever would happen the Cloud would protect them by absorbing the enemies arrows and removing dangerous creatures from the path in front of them.


The Cloud ensured the People that it was time to travel on. The Cloud would lift and the Jews would pack up and follow the Cloud. They knew they were safe as long as they had the Cloud.


The most powerful aspect of the Cloud was that no matter where they were and what they were doing the Cloud was always accessbile to them.




The reality is that we still have the Cloud it’s just not visible like it was to the Jews in their wanderings. But in fact, whatever happens to us is guided by the Cloud. Whatever happens in our lives, where we travel, who we interact with is guided by the hand of G-d. Good or challenging we always can rely on it.


It’s up to us to choose to identify and embrace the security that is provided for us. When we do, we will have al the benefits of the Cloud and then some.


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